


The Couples Therapist Couch

Shane Birkel, LMFT

How to be a Functional Adult

In this episode with Jan Bergstrom, we go into depth about the 5 Core Practices of a Healthy Life. This work was inspired by Pia Mellody and has become the foundation for many models of therapy. We talk about doing inner child work, feelings reduction work, and standing in your truth. We also touch on the importance of self-esteem and boundaries.

Connectfulness Podcast

Rebecca Wong

Journey to Discover the Self with Jan Bergstrom, LMHC

The family system is the first filter children experience the world through, it informs the senses and creates the meaning from which each of us understand the “me”, our unique “who I am.” It’s up to parents to reach in and help the growing child navigate their reality —but that‘s not what usually happens— usually parents try to make the child become what the parent needs the child to be so that the parent is comfortable. 

In this episode, my teacher, Jan Bergstrom, LMHC will help us understand how the Self exists in relation to our own perceptions, our own thoughts, our own experiences, and our own souls. Jan is an expert in field of codependency, developmental and relational trauma in the lineage of Pia Mellody, a pioneer in treating the affects of childhood trauma in adults.

We'll go into depth about the 5 Core Practices for Becoming Your Healthiest Self. After all, that’s the journey each of us is on —to discover the Self— it’s the crux of our lives. How do we know the Self? How do we know who we are? What creates a sense of Self, protects a sense of Self, gets in the way of developing a sense of Self, and what practices help to bring us back to our sense of Self.

Connectfulness Podcast

Rebecca Wong

Creating a Sense of Your Imperfect Self

Today’s guest, Dr. Rick Butts, cofounded the Healing Our Core Issues Institute (HOCII). We discuss how the nature of the child —to be imperfect and human— is linked to how we humans come to know ourselves as we mature. We explore the woundings, teachings and adaptations that shape us in our formative years and become how we present in the world. And we examine the tasks of recovering our sense of self which comes when we can see and accept ourselves as human in all areas of our life. These teaching have opened many inroads to my own healing journey and I hope this episode helps you, wherever you are on your journey.

Light Up the

Clearly Clinical

The Healing Our Core Issues Model:
Treating Childhood and Developmental Trauma

Jan Bergstrom, LMHC, provides a helpful breakdown of the Healing Our Core Issues Model, which is an integration model which uses the theoretical models of attachment, mindfulness, neuroscience, body-based methodologies and the core issues work informed by Pia Mellody.  Interview with Elizabeth Irias, LMFT.

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